If you are planning on getting a dog and decide on a puppy PLEASE plan accordingly with your vacations! As far as Pet Sitting goes, those little puppies are not the best candidates for Drop in Visits OR overnight stays. Plan to get a puppy when you will be able to commit to staying home and providing pet care until your dog is at least 5 or 6 months old. This will provide a secure home environment and a confident dog. For Dog Walking find a puppy care program for midday feedings and potty training. Happy Tails Pet Sitting provides this service.
Pet Sitting
Dog Walking or Pet Sitting for a New Puppy?
If you are planning on getting a dog and decide on a puppy PLEASE plan accordingly with your vacations! As far as Pet Sitting goes, those little puppies are not the best candidates for Drop in Visits OR overnight stays. Plan to get a puppy when you will be able to commit to staying home and providing pet care until your dog is at least 5 or 6 months old. This will provide a secure home environment and a confident dog. For Dog Walking find a puppy care program for midday feedings and potty training. Happy Tails Pet Sitting provides this service.
Home Security for the Pet Sitter
The holidays are quickly approaching and unfortunately the crime rate is on the rise. Using a professional pet sitter can definitely give your house that “lived-in” look while you are on vacation. For Home Security, first, there will always be a car coming and going to your home in case a criminal is watching. As a professional pet sitter, we can do a variety of things to make it look like someone is home. We bring in the mail, newspaper and garbage. We alternate lights indoors and outdoors. We can open curtains during the day and close at night. All of these little things add up to give your home the appearance that someone is there. So when hiring a Professional Pet Sitter to take care of you dogs or cats when your are on vacation, be sure to utilize our home security options as well.
Why use a Professional Pet Sitter and Not a Kennel for Your Vacation Get-Away?
I have been a Pet Sitter for 15 years! Using a Professional Pet Sitter can be such a positive, healthy experience for you and your pet. As Pet Sitter’s we generally have a love for all animals, with a strong instinct to nurture and love. We are in the pet care industry because it is a passion for us. A Kennel can be a scary place for a dog or cat. Also, I have seen many pets get sick when staying in kennels. The healthy choice would be to stay home in a familiar safe environment with a reliable caring Professional Pet Sitter to handle all Pet Care needs, Including hugs!
For a Bored Cat while you’re on vacation.
Recently a client of mine bought one of these for her cat to play with. AWESOME! The toy is battery operated and the mouse runs around and around…..Cats LOVE it! It’s also very entertaining for humans!